But here's a view of the place. Up on the gallery (and not up on the bannister like her grandpa) is where Tara sits outside her door and looks at the neighbours' kids playing on the street, holding on to daddy's hand and not yet daring to go and join them quite yet (though she surely will soon).
Or, down below, visiting friends and having a knock out afternoon playing with 'Mädchen Paula,' 'Pedo' (I AM sorry, I KNOW this is 'fart' in Spanish, it's just honestly true that Tara isn't so good with her 'R's in the middle of a word yet! Honest!) and 'Baby Acho', after her typical one-hour 'defrosting' period clinging to mum. I'm lucky. Other kid's parents aren't redecorating bedrooms, so have had the time to write up a full report. Check it out HERE.
And that's it for me. Spain covered. Back to the job hunt and the blueberries.
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