Location: Spain, South-West thereof
Event: Wedding, of
Tito Fanne and
Titi Isa
Most memorable quotes: "Jes, I do" (uncle and now-aunt in response to the famous questions) and
"Poor Tara, she's not used to people changing colour" (Jose on Tara's acute and panicked fear of her fully dressed and made-up grandmother)
The Niece
The Crowd (part of the 260 guests)
Groom & Niece (& Teddy)
Here comes The Bride (...this way, please... No turning back...)
Niece running from Bride (Titi Isa with make-up and dress, having changed colour too!)
This way, Bride...
... No turning back!
Towards the waiting Groom
Sit down, Teddy
Sit down, everybody else
Sit down outside*, Niece and Mother (sunbathing)
* There's only so much you can do when your daughter declares, halfway through the service, "Raus! Finished! Finished!"
The Dinner (well, not quite, more like another case of "Sit Down")
The Happy Ending (aka Happy New Beginning)
The Women of the Family (except Tara who's sleeping despite the 275-noisy-people-noise)
The Cakes, Plural, to feed the hungry 260. Cut, cut, cut. They cut them all.
The Guests (a selection thereof)
The Niece, recovering
What a bunch of jet-setters you are! Just zipping off to SPAIN...la la la-la!
All at a sudden, I can view your blog from China - China is improving. Tara is so lovely in the little white dress, and you look gorgeous too! Tara behaved definitely much better than Kai - going out halfway through the service is nothing, compared to Kai's crying right when the service began at his Auntie Helen's wedding in April. By the way the wedding cake tower is enormous, the fresh couple must have spent a long long time cutting them all!!
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