When food goes wrong, all day long, that doesn't mean that there isn't anything redeeming about the day as a whole (though one might suspect so)!
Last Sunday Tara woke up to find that Tante Claudia had arrived over night, to stay and play FOREVER*! Thirty seconds later Tara had overcome a brief attack of shyness, smiled a sun-shiney smile and realised that all around her aunt, there were loads and loads of goodies, like new blankets, books and yet more new puzzles. Another thirty seconds later, mummy had become superfluous to requirement (Ah, what a relaxing week I've had!).
So. A few days ago, all Tante Claudia knew about Tara and puzzles was what she'd seen here (<-- Video). And here they go, launching a very successful puzzling career together. I bet Claudia didn't know the joy one can derive from doing the self same 12 piece puzzle 89 times in one week!
The ketchup photo is a perfect impression of Charlie Chaplin, but of course you already knew that eh?
Well, I could have chosen any other of the 8 or 9 pix I have, but I went for this one... so I reckon I did know ;-)
(Yes, ONLY 8 or 9 pix)
Oh dear. Are you sure you want to expose poor innocent Tara to the evils of my picture-taking? I'm afraid that 8 or 9 would only be the final number, or "keepers" out of 500!
(Whats that I hear? The scamper of little Tara-feet running as fast as she can away, away...)
The Hick-up over breakfast pix is hilarious! I found it very original until I read about "Chariie Chaplin's impression", but still very impressive.
- Kai's mum
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