Kek-chup, hmmmmmmm...
Home is where the heart is, and to us that is where Tara and Leo are. At the moment, it's England (where Tara and Leo were born). But it could just as well be Germany (where Alex is from) or Spain (where Jose is from). The kids' diary is for all our friends and family who can only watch our babies grow from a distance - and of course, for Tara and Leo, with love.
Alex, those sausages are HUGE. Quite bigger than your little Tara with only 11 1/2 teeth. I especially like her handy holding system of a folded napkin. To keep her hands smelly-sausage free?
Oh its quite advanced of Tara to recognize ketchup as its own food group. Smarty pants. (BBQ sauce is also but thats for another time and maybe a proper visit to the States...)
Thinking of what to trade you for one of those nifty full-torso bibs she has on...any ideas? A little red bike perhaps?? eh?
Ooh! A gallon jug of BBQ sauce maybe?! Ah, now THAT would be worth a trip to the post office in the cold!
That deal is NOT on, ketchup is bad enuf, and this weekend I'll be supermum and cook up some home made GOOD ketchup, oh yeah!
And now listen up, you American. This is how German sausages are eaten, especially out in the cold on Christmas markets and any other such excuse. They are served up on little cardboard trays bathed in sauce, and each tray has a perforated end to pull off and use as a smelly-free sausage holder. Crafty, innit?
Now, Princess Lia has lots of those nifty all torso tops - aren't they US-bought?
If not, check this out - http://www.amazon.com/iPlay-12119-BestBibLongSleeve2pk-Girl/dp/B00017701Y/ref=pd_sim_dbs_hpc?ie=UTF8&qid=1203101014&sr=1-61
and the related suggestions below. If they're not for you, we can talk red bike. Maybe. Then again, I don't think you want THAT many coverall / sleeved bibs...
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