Today was Tara's first induction day, and she too fell in love with the place. How could she not - it has a baby indoors slide, they serve pears, have a sand play table and baa-baas over the changing table! It is perfect childcare heaven. Proof?
Tara CRIED when she had to leave after only two hours. And we have to wait a full day for more...
Obviously I can't wait to catch up with some sleep either. Did I say sleep? Of course not, Jose, I will cook and clean and only do very little video exercise. No sleeping while Tara learns and plays!
Talking about Tara learning: A lesson in gravity! Tilt the plate, and the raisins go raining down!

And then, the best part of every day: Daddy comes home and reads to Tara and whoever of her friends she brings along.
Could we have another video of one of José's famous Spanish puppet shows?? Might as well be in Italian and\or contain swearwords, but please roll that rrrrr and make Tarrrrri laugh.
Muchas gracias!, en España los reyes nos han dejado una boda!, jajaja. La tita Isa también está enamorada de la Tari... y tiene muchas ganas de que llegue marzo para buscar "guau guau", jajaja. Un besazo!.
Isa y Juande.
Just watch out for bits of hair...Lorenzo was collecting his waffle on our carpet the other day and hacked up a piece og hair in the process...yummy.
(GUESS WHO?! <-- This is getting crazy.)
Yes, carpet fluff... nothing wrong with a bit of carpet fluff. I guess. Tara is big enough to spit stuff back out when she doesn't like it... onto the carpet, and eventually mummy gets the message.
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