Could it have anything to do with mummy chasing her across the garden with a picture camera? Taking one picture after the other after the other? Hunting down that one perfect shot to commemorate her 18month-day? Or is it more the hour of wild play Tara got out of it, the fresh air, and the joy of being held up to pull washing pegs off the line and putting them back on? Chasing after soapy bubbles and being allowed to pop the ones mummy caught for her? Pushing car around the garden with Püppi's help? Whichever it is, after a fun afternoon in the garden, I've got the trouble of a screaming child that doesn't want to come back in, and roughly 80 pictures, 20 of which I manage to delete (getting better, ey?), only to the get stuck with the selection of a few to post. Life. Choices. Tough. So here are three random ones (following the 'preview' further below):
So where are we at, at 18 months? We're gorgeous, and we're talking lots. Favorites!
Favorite foods: Sweet corn, pasta, quiche, mild cheddar, cheese, orange juice from a big people's glass, banana, pear, grapes, and tomato sauce is good, but ketchup is better! For snacks, 'organix goodies' tomato puffs. And our evergreen, boo-boo.
Favorite toys: Dolly, dolly & the teddies. Slides, Puzzles, books, musical toys - especially when dolly, dolly & the teddies play along and push some buttons, too, and that unfortunately includes computers...
Favorite activities: Bathing and playing with water. Dropping things into water (sink/bath/sea). Sorting (elastic bands onto fingers, puzzle shapes, tupper-ware into drawers), emptying (dish washer, washing machine, boxes), outdoor play / playground play, and (this is a funny one) cleaning like daddy does.
Passionate about: Looking at photos (of family and friends), dogs, birds, squirrels, cars, sliding down slides, mummy & daddy, (older) children.
Dislikes: Nappy changing & getting dressed, having face cream applied.
Scared when: Seeing spiders (?!), some dogs come too close, waking up alone in bed in the dark.
Quirks: Likes to give mum & dad a chase around the house when asked to put on a jacket, always shouts HIYA and BYE at people when out and about; anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Vocabulary (regularly used)
Foodstuffs: nane (banana, G), Kiisch (Quiche),Tee (tea, G), Paicha (Pasta, G), kekchup, (yum, G), Eija (eggs, G), Mais (sweet corn, G), Mi(l)ch (milk, G)
Toys: Bü (book, G?), Püppi, tedde (teddy), Maus (mouse), car
Animals: Wauwau (doggy, S/G), aicha (squirrel, G), qua-qua (duck, G/S), piu-piu (bird, S)
Imitates animal sounds: dog, horse, monkey, ducks, frogs, shrieking seagulls
Mostly uses igns for: birds, ducks.
Family & folk: Mama, Mami, Papa, Papi, Amma (Grandma, G, and other older women), Appa (Grandpa, G, and other older men), Aicha (Tita Isa), nene (boy, S), nena (girl, S)
Sensations: Aua (ouch, G), oh-oh (for accidents, E), wow (for amazement, G/E), heich (hot, G), kalch (cold, G), nice
Others: nuna (moon, S), Meja (Sea, G), ma! (more, G/S?), meja (more, G), geich (soon, G), da (there, G), das (that, G), baich (bathe, G), ham (eat, G), a(g)ua (water, S), ab/up (off/up), auf (open, also used for 'get up', G), nak'sch (naked, G), and of course the classics, ja (yes, G) and no (S not E!)
Most complex sentences: "Booboo ham!", "Mama car", "Hiya Papa geich?"
Some sound confusingly similar. Bird (piu-piu) can sound a lot like Papa, and squirrels have the honour of sharing a name with Tita Isa. The only one that confuses us is aua (ouch, G) - a(g)ua (water, S) - if a drop of water hits her head and she says aua, is she complaining that it hurts her, or is she observing that that's water?
Most of what she says seems to be German - not a surprise given the amount of time we spend together at the moment. But nursery is already having an effect: She's signed for 'more' in her last session, and mummy is well proud. But aren't we anyway...
Well then, Tara. Where are you taking your proud parents from here?

Now, Cousin Maya, daughter of recently married uncle Derek (26.1.), whose due date was exactly 18m after Tara's birthday (27.1.), has decided to postpone her birth a little longer. Baby JJ, however, finally arrived, 12 days late, on 28.1. Welcome, baby JJ, and congratulations to Jun and Jonathan; well done, Jun!
Now, while I took 25 pictures on the playground yesterday, Brands took 250. While I'm utterly failing the standard, you, I'm afraid, are only average. But the object is definitely outstanding. Kisses to CUTE TARA!
Does she get to vote? Drive a car perhaps? At LEAST tell me you've bought her a nice dolly? Or was it the adorable pink coat she is wearing?
18 months old! And cuter every single BLOG!
Average? That's good! Meaning, Tara will only gradually go blind from overexposure to flashlight? Good stuff!
And yes, I actually did buy her a car ;-) that she cares bugger all for. The coat was her nonna's gift, and I should hope two dollies are ok for the next 16 1/2 years, won't they be?!
Of course, if you want to sponsor her one of them cool red bikes that the nuts have, don't let me stop you...
Cute? Ah that's just in her genes. The paternal ones. I actually thought she looked a bit like cousin Lia on the last shot (#87)... though that has nothing to do with her paternal genes, I hasten to add!
REAL photographers don't use a flash Alex...as if I needed to tell YOU that!
We would love to send Tara a little red bike, but we think she is too much of a big girl to scoot around on it...no? Maybe we could swap the car for a bike eh? Lorenzo LOVES anything to do with driving. Its his MALE genes.
Oh. No flash, no? Oh!
No, it never is flash. It's either 8 am or 5 pm.
Young Nirit has learned well...I'm so *sniff, sniff*, proud!
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