has finally been told and slotted in here!
Don't miss it, for there are LESSONS to be learned from it!
China girl
9 years ago
Home is where the heart is, and to us that is where Tara and Leo are. At the moment, it's England (where Tara and Leo were born). But it could just as well be Germany (where Alex is from) or Spain (where Jose is from). The kids' diary is for all our friends and family who can only watch our babies grow from a distance - and of course, for Tara and Leo, with love.
Good God.
Well, i guess we should've had a little chat before your move. I would have suggested MOVERS, that YOU PAY move all the crap you own. Actually, first i would've suggested I come over there my self and help you do some much-needed purging (no, not the kind poor Tara was doing on the car-ride...) of all the 'stuff' your little bargain-shopping evil twin has been doing. ALEX!? Are you INSANE?! LISTEN!: Everyone gets a shoebox, YES A BOX, INTENDED FOR SHOES...In this box will hold your most prized possessions. Everything that does not fit in the box MUST GO. You may have a suitcase for your clothing, a medium sized box for the kitchen and bathroom goods AND THAT IS ALL.
Now, have YOU learned something?
Thats what I thought.
Now, first hint of spring I want you out of the house having a nice yard sale in your garden...
I'm serious. Don't make me come over there and rummage through all the stuff to (first) find you and (then) to beat it into your skinny little arse.
Oh, and have a nice day!
Can I be a shoe size 689? That's the kind of box that would do me! What'ya saying? They call that a COFFIN in the Americas? Yey cowgirl, you mean you don't understand the need to KEEP three types of nail varnish from 6 years ago when you stopped varnishing your nails cause one's so nice and glittery it might come in handy one day when you decorate your daughter's birthday cards? That it will then actually SAVE YOU MONEY? Hah!
And you know, it can be real pleasant to chat to these people you call to make sure they send you a replacement this or that card cause you just can't FIND yours. I'm totally convinced some have found their future husbands that way! Yeah!
Or babysitters! Hey Richard at the BOOTS healpline, 't was fun talkin to you, and when you're through with that cold of yours, let's talk about that babysitting proposition again!
... unless, of course, you're dying to have blue glittery nail varnish for your future daughter's birthday cards? Of your nails? Different from the people I've been trying to give it to in the last 6 years? I'd be happy to give it you, you know? You just say the word! Oh, and the ther two are, well... one is pink, ish, the other... erm, I've forgotten, but it's too late ("Have a good DAY"??!) to rummage through the bathroom cupboard(s), and also packing them with old soaps and body lotions was such an ACHIEVEMENT in the first place, I only really want to upset that delicate order for a REAL reason. So say. Blue glittery nail varnish? Yeah? You can HAVE IT, REALLY!
... and i COULD NOT LET GO OF THE SHRIMPS! They had been a very special bargain! They DIED for me, so I could EAT THEM! ONE DAY! SOON!
yep. officially. in-sane.
I agree....INSANE
Jose, you treacherous traitor, shut up. You want cuddles this weekend or WHAT?! And who's gonna cook your shrimp cocktail if not ME, oi?!
No quiero dormir en el sofaaaaaaa!!! It's bloody uncomfortable!
(I'd watch that shrimp cocktail if I were you Jose... In fact, I'd skip it all together...eek.)
Mama Peanut! Stop talking my hubby into revolution. The man eats what he's given. He better had anyway. Now get back to your own blog and write something about the nut. Surely he's been up to something cute in the last... erm... TWO days?!
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