Tara's True First Love? That of the banana, which she lovingly and greedily calls NAANE! She loves it so, she tries to eat it whole!

She loves it so, she knows exactly where to get it at the supermarket, and should we choose the entrance that gets us to the veg section first thing, she'll be pointing and clamoring for her NAANE NAANE until I've fetched one, whizzed her through the check out with an alternative treat to bribe her into letting go of the NAANE so the check out lady can weigh it. Ten pence, thank you, and we can shop for real while Missy is munching away.
Actually, she's so well aware of where to get her NAANE we only need to go down the road towards the supermarket and she'll shout, though I'm not all sure whether she's saying
1. NAANE ("I shall surely perish if I don't get a banana RIGHT NOW"), or
2. NAANE ("There's the shop let's buy tons of treats!").
Either way. NAANE! YUM!
PS.: This entry has absolutely nothing to do with that entry!
It was bound to happen sooner or later...I mean, theres only so much a 1 year-old can do and obviously all are crazy for Bananas. Yes, all we need is a photo from Nirit.
Heh, em...Nirit? Banana photo please.
though, this blogging business has now reached a whole new level, photo requests?? wow. Now we're getting ballsy.
Wenigstens ist ihre erste Leidenschaft etwas Gesundes. Es könnte auch "LADE" wie in "SCHOKOLADE" sein - Ahängigkeiten in dieser Richtung wären da schon besorgniserregender. Und kleine süße Äffchen essen eben gerne NANEs, auch wenn die meisten es nicht so schön sagen können!
Ja, Martha z.B. hatte eine Phase, in der sie, sobald wir mit der Karre in den Ort losschoben, vehement "EIS!!" einforderte. Zum Glück ist die Eisdiele jetzt zu, die Fenster abgehängt und "es gibt jetzt kein Eis mehr, ist alle-alle" zieht noch. Bis zum Frühjahr...
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