Und dann teilen wir einfach schwesterlich...
Weil Tari ein bischen dominant ist, was Tassen angeht, bekommt sie ab und zu auch ihre eigene. Findet sie gaaanz toll...

Home is where the heart is, and to us that is where Tara and Leo are. At the moment, it's England (where Tara and Leo were born). But it could just as well be Germany (where Alex is from) or Spain (where Jose is from). The kids' diary is for all our friends and family who can only watch our babies grow from a distance - and of course, for Tara and Leo, with love.
Desde luego, tito Vil, estás hecho un padrazo (quien te ha visto y quien te ve...).
la niña está preciosa. cada día se parece más a sus padres.
espero que todo siga bien por aquellos lares. a ver si nos vemos pronto.
besos para toda la familia,
What a cute little mug for a cute little Tari!! Can't wait for Lia to have her first sip of coffee. We'll then celebrate her Starbucks initiation ceremony, so that Lia and Tara can become best Kaffeetantenfriends.
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