Magic Shoes, 5.99

A special offer, of course, what else, but just look how special!
The day we put them on her, her little velcroe clip sports shoes (one size too large so she can grow into them), she decided it was time to stand up holding on to something other than mummy. Soon she will be cruising and, like I'm busy predicting, never crawl. Won't she? Our bonny genius bunny girl. And 'cause we're so proud and elated - not quite yet thinking about the practical implications in terms of home re-arrangements - we'll quite generously forgive her this horrible nursery chesty cold that she's handed on to mum. Never mind mummy, bonny bunny! For an Easter treat you'll have a proper pair of cruising shoes fit at Clark's, you little genius baby! (And the parents will get some oranges for a vitamin boost.)
Spring on New Walk
In line with Tara's developmental blossoming, the leaves on the trees have come out over night as well (some at least). And so has the sun.
Ok. I confess. She's not genius enough to put her own pair of sun glasses on. The pictures really reads from right to left, and the caption should be: 'What the ****! Why has it gone so disturbingly dark? Take that **** off my face, and what is it anyway!' The glasses aren't even hers, and judging from how quickly they came off again there seems little point in getting her her own pair just yet. Which is ok, as some real shoes at Clark's start from 16 pounds.
But there we go, the sun is out, and so are we. But shopping, too, is out as everything is closed, and Tante Claudia, Mummy and Tara end up in Cathedral Park with nothing better to do that practise some standing, fondle some of the vegetation, and try to eat the leaves. And the bench.

She's been pointing for a couple of weeks now. 'DA' (That, in a note to all English-only speakers, is 'there' in German. Convenient, innit?), pointing, meaning, gimme this, gimme that, take me here, take me there, and I want that! She's got quite a little dictator for an index finger, in fact, and has been upsetting daddy as most times he picks her up, she looks round to find mummy, points, coos 'da' and throws herself off his arms to follow her little finger's lead.
And then she said it (Life dramatically switches to slow motion, and music fades in)! She was handed to daddy. Mummy left the room. Sneezed a major sneeze out of sight. And Tara (violins kick in) turns on daddy's arm, points (extra slow motion), and coos 'Mamma'! With a heavy Italian accent.
Mamma comes running back, and Jose is jeallous.
And for the rest of the weekend tortures Tara by not handing her straight back when she points, pulls a desperate little face and coos da-da or ummm or anything not definitively mamma. Which, in all honesty, hasn't been repeated, but I'm so pleased anyway that my mamma-high will easily last me a week.
1 comment:
Delightful pictures showing Tara's progress - her happiness shines through. I love the 'before' and 'after' combined bench photo's and those glasses - fantastic - she is well on the way to breaking some hearts when she gets older
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