Well. Obviously not, it being October and all. But a general scrub of the flat from top to bottom in preparation of an avalanche of baby visitors. So, what does Tara do, left to her own devices while daddy is trying to get some lunch going and mummy is trying to get a load of washing in? Exactly: complain about lack of attention and involvement. So there she went, dumped straight into the washing as the heart of the action! Did she like it? You bet! Especially the show her father put on for her!
P.S.: "Der Papa kocht" - yeah right. And as per me 'spring' cleaning, I did the bathroom and was then conveniently claimed by my daughter for the rest of the day for booby-sofa company while Jose made lunch, made dinner, hovered the house with particular emphasis of the stairs, kept washing the dishes, took the rubbish out, went to fetch the rental car, did the shopping and put it away. Just to state things as they are, I wouldn't want to claim praise where none is due.
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