With write-up time coming to a close it seems that Jose is getting a little tired of writing writing and more writing, and has decided to share some of it out to his family. I've gotten too used to sitting on the sofa, and probably stopped productive thought about a half a year ago, so I'm no use at all.

Tara however is full of fresh and original thought, and as that's what traditionally wins people the odd nobel prize here or there, Jose is now claiming his daughter to help with his work. She'd probably prefer studying up on princsses and dragons like she did last week when her knowledgeable uncle Andi was around, but better than having to help around the kitchen, I say. Playtime? Over.

So with Tara and Jose looking after each other, I get some valuable spare time and can finally indulge in ironing and washing up, and clean the bath room, hurrah. Expand on the role of mother, now that I'm getting used to it, and try on that of house wife for size. For now it looks like it's way too big for me, the kitchen is a mess. Or too small, depends. But my appoach to dish washing or cooking will decidedly not win me a nobel prize, not now, not ever, and that's for sure. Though I do do a mean mother's milk. And occasionally I remember to serve the working part of the family a piece of chocolate and a tea. That too matters.
She's adorable and just as smart as her parents, reading and working already on the computer! I can't get over how 'round' and chubby her cheeks (and everything else) are now! You should go to scan man every week and show'im!
hey there, do you maybe hire her out, yet? I could really, really, really need some help with writing-up MY thesis, too! So maybe, when José's done, she would be available? I'm also a very practised diaper changer, I know loads of children's tunes and nursery rhymes and although I do not (yet) make mean milk - I'll do my best to keep her happy and her creativity in flow! In the meantime, you both could indulge yourself all you want. :-) No? Thought so. Oh well. It was worth a try.
She's too adorable, I wouldn't trade her either. Sigh.
ermm, well, yes, no...sorry uli, for now she's only trained up in chemistry and general office maintenance, and before we consider anything beyond home use, we'll have to see the outcome of projct phd first, i'm sure you'll understand why.
Tara says: uraaa, ureee, hea, heu, iieah!
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