Last Monday it was three years to the day that Jose and I arrived in Leicester, "for three years". Three years - three different adresses - did something go wrong on the three babies, or should we settle for three members of the little family that we weren't in 2003, but are now?

Tara has been smiling those big gorgeous smiles at us for a few days now, but to honour the occasion, she graced us with such an avalanche of laughter that we even managed to catch one. A lovely present, isn't it?

i think i'm repeating myself: but adorable, adorable, adorable!! She's so cute.
dieses Lachen trifft einen mitten ins Herz! Was für ein kleines, süßes und fröhliches Mäuschen, äh ... Kälbchen.
Ich bin ganz hingerissen und verliebt!
What a picture of health, love and happiness. Tara's smiling face and bright eyes speak volumes. Mummy & Daddy must be proud of their beautiful, beautiful daughter.
Total Süüüüüüüüüüüüüüß
jana x
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