Jose has spent the last two days at a conference, delivering a talk about poly-something somethings that look like beehives on the slides of his presentation, some chemical something or other, in other words. Not to belittle daddy's degree, it's just that his family are desperately ignorant of such matters (I relate to Biene Maja but not to compounds or outlandish names!). Before he left us to our own devices, Jose treated us to the parting gift of the pleasure of listening to his talk. Twice. The first time round, the audience behaved. The second time round (having found daddy good enough to send to Manchester just a few minutes earlier) the audience took liberties and enganged in snacking, kissing and giggling, and finally mummy decided to opt out and shove her daughter into the frontline of polymeres and their buzzy bee friends. Tara slobbered a little, kept nodding engangingly and refrained from vomiting.
Daddy loves her! He's greatly looking forward to taking her to all sorts of museums and playing Chemical Experiments with her (Mummy is looking forward to some spare time then ;-)!
For now, though, Tara has discovered a first great passion of her own, her own baby kind of buzzy bees. She is happy to stare at them for a number of minutes at a time, and I think their names might be uhm, ergh and hrr.

PS: Jose is back tonight and a good job it is! I nearly starved! ;-)
Ha! I can see that you've done your homework reading some childcare/-development books and drew some black&white pictures for Tara! I did the same thing for Martha but she was more interested in Red, Green and Blue alias uhm, ergh, and hrr. ;o)
Alex darling, your baby Tara is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I am so envious of how clever you are! I fear it might have to be my 'du bist daran' soon...
Anna. xx
Ha, ist echt ein suesser Fratz, freu mich die Maus bald kennenzulernen.
Hey ja Anna ist dran! Bis demnaechst!
Jana XXX
Hi Alex, hi Jose,
die ist ja total süss Eure Tara. Nachträglich von der Bock-Familie alles alles Gute zur Geburt!
Liebe Grüsse from good old germany!
S+O+M+J Bock
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