"Tonight, tonight,
Won't be just any night,
Tonight there will be no morning star.
Tonight, tonight, I'll see my love tonight.
And for us, stars will stop where they are."
Tony and Maria had different things in mind (good for them!), mummy Alex and Tara, well... Last night daddy again threatened to have our little girl exchanged for a kitten, so he got himself exiled from the bedroom some time well after midnight - and my motivation was entirely selfish: I do need him to function in the daytime, to feed me while I'm sitting about incapacitated (aka feeding Tara), especially now that Tara's nanna has gone home much earlier than planned, poor thing didn't feel she was needed with Jose being such a star (albeit decidedly not a morning star).
But following the community midwife's visit today, Tara stands redeemed - we've been diagnosed with a growth spurt!

To make things worse, today was the first day mummy and Tara Pumpunita stayed home alone for a few hours. Jose, being the daddy he is, set us up for a full five hour marathon before he left: dinner, desert, juice and water, reading material, phones on the back of the sofa, and a fully set up changing station (from left to right). He quite forgot toilet arrangements, unfortunately, but my inability to operate the laptop with my feet is my own fault alone. And yes, when Jose came back a few hours later, all that had changed was the level of food and drink, and we were one nappy down.

PS: Apologies to all that are waiting for me to return a phone calls. I know it looks like I have the leasure to talk on the phone for hours (well, four to five), but I actually have quite a headache (lack of sleep) and am unable to focus on decent conversation (milk production over brain cells I guess). Sorry. Hang on in there, your phone WILL ring one of these days.
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