There I was, starting to think that all there would be to write about for the next weeks and weeks to come was stories about sore nipples, sleep deprivation, baby poo and endless hick ups. But there is more indeed - fashion, and the accidents one may have possibly due to a reduction in the amount of brain cells the system can spare such a negligible subject area when it is busy with so much more rewarding areas like milk production or the colour of poo.
Tara and I were baby sling training today and I'd worked out in a few seconds that she preferred me to walk her up and down in her sling (brain is fully functional in that respect). So I decided to take her for a walk. Spontaneously, and off we went. She liked it so much she was asleep in two minutes (asleep! the joys of that!). Taken by my success, I just walked on, chatting to her, and only realised when I hit the bottom of New Walk that I'd actually walked out in my Schluffelhosen and other wildly mismatched items of nightwear. A particular sight were the grey flip flops with blue thick non-slip cow socks, not depicted below (and better that way). Do take note of the saggy bottom, my dotted undies showing, and my unkempt hair. I don't think my teeth were brushed, but that would have only been a prob with Pumpunita, and she's used to worse.

Tara Pumpuni is exactly two weeks old today (one hour and 27 minutes short of a fortnight to be precise). Ask me: Did I have an idea of what was coming my way, a fortnight ago? NOT A HUNCH! Yawn...
Is your shirt inside out, too? Don't worry though - I've also walked out in my "house shoes" quite frequently. ;o)
This happens to us all (at some stage)- I have been known to walk out in 'odd' footwear and on one occassion only my underskirt below (I thought if felt chilly at the time !!). This will be something that you will always rememeber and smile about as you get older and laugh about with your child / children and even grandchildren - Janet
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