Attenborough Power Station. The last minute of its 50 years.
More people in the crowd than rubble on the ground a minute later (nearly)
A sixty second spectacle. Some cheered and clapped, others (like Tara's friend Elena) cried and cried, but all were there to see it. Kaboom! (They look a little surprised half-way through, those towers, poor giants.) (Picture courtesy of someone with a better camera who got up early enough to get to a great spot... unlike others who underestimated the turn-out and associated traffic and just about made it to the closest convenient spot in time, ahem.)

We now have: A pretty coastline, the largest off-shore windfarm in Europe, the best Chips in England, a cool new gallery in the neighbourhood that even the Queen's come to visit, fabulous sandy beaches and a few new cafes in town, a new pool being built three minutes from our doorstep... You'd think the town is nearly exactly where you'd want it to be, with a pleasant little future ahead.
One major concern is left: Will we become the twinkly lights that illuminate the runway of expansionist, up-for-sale Manston airport? A pretty coastline and tasty chips are all somewhat futile if you can't sleep at night because your politicians think flying noisy planes right over your house in the middle of the night might be a superb idea. Or failed take offs crashing into your neighbourhood, now that would even off-set the gallery, the queen and the lovely beaches on a sunny day.
Fingers crossed, everyone, that our poor little - slowly reviving - town does not become the UK's hottest nightmare address. (Watch this spot.)
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