Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine 2012, or, Ten Years Ago...

At the dinner table, between helpings of delicious chocolates.

Mami: "Aaaah, then years ago... then years ago Papi and I just... erm... made friends... We spent a lot of time playing games with our friends, going out for pizzas and salads... I went to the gym a lot..."
Leo, smugly, between mouthfuls of chocolate: "I cried*..."
Mami: "No, you weren't there then."
Tara: "I was in your tummy..."
Mami: "No, not even that...

Aaah, ten years ago...

2002 (one)

2002 (two)

2002 (three)

* Our new routine. I go to the gym, Leo cries. I go anyway. I come home, and he gives me a big fat grin and explains: "Mummy went a gym. I c'ied."


Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

You guys look like babies. Ah, ten years...they fly by...

Alexandra said...

I know... all fresh, innocent and very wrinkle-free...

Ulrike H. said...

10 YEARS? Still remember how excited you were about that new Spanish roommate that you "ordered". Good times!

Alexandra said...

Very good times.

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

Awww. Look at you. Coming over.

Alexandra said...

She ordered me???
So it was Santa the one that brought me to Hannover and not EasyJet!!!!

The Spanito with baby elephant hair