Last official picture of 2011
Leo slept right through the noise with which 2012 was welcomed in rural Germany, but Tara opened her eyes with the first whoosh of the fireworks, to be welcomed by her slightly disoriented (tired!) mother into the year 2013. Ahem. We adjusted eventually.
First official picture of 2012
Hello Tara, welcome to 2012. I think you had a good 2011, except perhaps the trouble with your baby teeth which just will not end - in fact where it come to those, I would just like to fast forward to 2020. Fingers crossed that that will come to end this year. This year, you will be participating in your first dance school performance - I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not sure how many more you'll attend. You like your dancing but you're not passionate about going to your classes. Mind you, you're not keep on the idea of joining a karate club (or some such) with either of your parents either, although I'd been planning that for any girl of mine since long before you were born.
I asked you what you would like to do this year, and you have asked that we start going swimming like we meant to a few weeks ago, so swimming it will be his year. Let's see if I can teach you, or maybe Opa in the summer (cause he taught me an eternity ago)... One target for a 5-year-old is enough, isn't it? I'm still too caught up making it through the busy days to think any further for you, although it would be great (for you) if we could manage to set up more playdates with your friends - you're just a people girl. Here's the one scene that says it all: You came into a huge room full of fab toys (vehicles, puzzles, books, lego, play dough, paints, kitchen and equipment and lots more), canned it all and sighed, "I'm boooored." Your playmates were all having a nap and that, to you, means that all the toys are good for nothing. I'm amazed, but taking note respectfully. And luckily, at home we have at least our Leo, who is about to drop napping altogether and loves you, the same toys as you do when you have company.
And maybe this year we're ready for the Spanish Club? We'll see. Happy 2012, my girl.
The things you could not get enough of in 2011: Candles (called "Happy-Happies"), climbing, balls, babies, particularly Baby Mona, the park and the play park, cats ("naum-naums"), dogs ("wawas") birds ("piepieps") and chocolate (until the overkill in December). You went from angelic baby to little talking monkey, and where, in the first half of the year, all your nursery staff were awed by how much loving attention you paid to the new babies in your group, I've just now had to sign the first "Incident Form" to acknowledge that you pushed another child over. Totally amazing what a cheeky, spirited little man you've become, with a repertoire of facial expressions to match the attitude.
I'm sure you got enough cuddles, kisses, love and admiration in 2012; not a day has gone by without a dozen remarks along the he's-so-cute line (and boy, was it cute when you came back with a teensy "I so cute"!). More of this in 2012!
No need for any plans for you, my boy, we'll just take every day as it comes, keep watching in awe as you grow, pick up the damage (from destroyed playmobil scenes, walls of the dolls house pushed over, tipped-over Christmas trees, armies of tipped over drinks and the like) and throw in some "choo-choo twains", some scootering in the summer and as much time spent outdoors as feasible at all. Happy 2012, my monkey, and if we could keep away from the pushing of friends, thank you.
Loving siblings but, uhm, somewhat different personalities!
Us gown ups, well, we have some modest hopes for 2012: that it will, in 12 months, have been The Year in which Things Got Easier. Wouldn't that be nice... Leo sleeping through the night... in his own cot... house finished down to the last paint job... more decent proper cooked meals on the table... in time... fitness levels upped... Alex back to the gym... weight lost... nothing ambitious you see.
A relaxed, healthy, happy and successful 2012.
And without further ado, on to The Family Photo of 2012:
Well my dear, nothing too ambitious... I'm aiming low, oh-so-low, for 2012 as well. Food, fitness, finances? Whatever...we're almost to 2013!
Oh my dear, I don't want to say it, too, but then, what the heck, it's the truth: LEO IS SOOOOOO CUTE! He really looks like he's going to grow up being the life of every party. So much joy in that little boy. Love it.
And Tara. How beautiful she is in that first portrait of 2012. Such a little lady. And for sure a lady as far as the solemn praying goes.
Have a great time getting into 2013, all of you.
So lovingly written!
Du tolle Übermama du!
Ein Engel und ein Bengel. Was will man mehr? Sigh.
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