And so, 7 years and 6 days after arriving in England, we are about to become house owners, and parents of a little girl at an English school. It's crazy, and we're all looking forward to every bit of it.
China girl
9 years ago
Home is where the heart is, and to us that is where Tara and Leo are. At the moment, it's England (where Tara and Leo were born). But it could just as well be Germany (where Alex is from) or Spain (where Jose is from). The kids' diary is for all our friends and family who can only watch our babies grow from a distance - and of course, for Tara and Leo, with love.
Congratulations to all of you! Have a great and successful day! Such grown ups!
She looks so beautiful in the sleeping beauty pic! And those gorgeous braids! Awww...
And even the sweets look extremely attractive! Come on, rotten teeth won't distort such a beauty, especially not when she's asleep.
New beginnings are so exciting!
Good luck, Tari!
I'm completely envious of the adorable uniform... (Nirit, you know you are too...) Lucky Tara with all those treats. Lo got a piece of wheat toast with Nutella! Ha ha ha!
Hope she had a great day.
I AM completely envious! Seriously, gray and red. Adorable.
No Nutella at Lia's preschool. Nutella Nazis. Not that she'd eat it. She'd hand it right over to her mom.
So does she like school? I would love any school that requires such adorable uniforms really. And I'll be more than happy to swap my curls for her straight hair!
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