Supported tentative wobbly standing boy, 8 months oldFirst things first: Just for the record, Leo, here's what I tell you daily:
Goodness, I adore you! And then I sigh in general, to no audience in particular:
Goodness me, how much I love this boy!Now that that's off my chest and on record, black on white, and for future reference if ever there was any doubt, on to some facts about Leo at 8 months.
A piece of technology? GIMME THAT!8 months, 4 teeth and a fifth showing. Two stubborn little legs that will refuse to bend when I want them to, so I continually find myself fighting with the little things sticking feet first in the pushchair, refusing to sit down and crying bitterly when I finally manage to wedge him in, heqad first, anyway. The same applies to the kitchen seat, the changing table and any other surface that I require him to sit on. Bribery with food works, and apples are particular popular. Or hot cross buns (Rosinenbrötchen) - he gets positively high on them (even though sugar is only listed as the 15th or so ingredient).
He still won't roll either way, continues to hate tummy time unless he's lying on my tummy, but sits long and stably when sat down although he still hasn't worked out how to sit up himself and is going about trying all the wrong way like a bug on his back.
In terms of weight and length: Weight just under average for his age, length some 10 weeks above average. Long and lean as ever.
Gone his great fascination with his mobile (of the bird variety, above his changing table); it has been replaced with an equally intense fascination with my mobile (of the electronic variety, insurance claim pending. The birds handled baby slobber better.)
Also, he is very enthusiastic about: cables, phones, plastic-button/sound/light toys, Tara's big doll Sophia (whom Tara does not like to share), balls and his weekly music class. All in all rather boy-like favourites, although Tara occasionally likes to pretend that he's a girl called "Leah" or "Lucy".
Sweet, ey?
If Leo was a girl (THANKS, Tara!)
But really, he's a BOY, going gaga over balls
Wait - really really he's His Mamma's BABY
Oh, was für ein süßes Foto! Es gibt wirklich kaum etwas Schöneres anzusehen, als friedlich schlafende Kinder. So süß! Alles Gute zum 8-monatigen Geburtstag kleiner Leo!
8 months????????
When oh when did that happen? So when you're coming I will cuddle a chubby little toddler and not a miniature lightbulb? Ok, I'm fine with that. The last pic is GORGEOUS! Happy Acht!
He rather could look like a "Lucy" in that pink hat. Hm. Cute either way for sure.
Aaaah, so cute. Lovely, lovely.
wow, he's gonna be a year old before you know it - and I won't have even met him yet (unless you come for a visit and stay in a lovely cotswold B&B - no space now you see!) x
Such a cute baby! He looks so much like Jose! Sweet photos!
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