Sunday, April 04, 2010

Eggstra Special Weekend: Food (I of III)

There is no ignoring it: This baby wants food. Mummy's food, Daddy's food, Tara's food. At dinner, he will sit on whichever lap he is assigned and thrust his hand into whatever presents itself on a plate. Lentils, salad, pasta and sauce, chocolate cake - you name it, he's had his hands in and on it in the last month. Even when we take a 'dinner for all' approach and hang him on a boob he will suckle away with his free hand blindly patting the table behind him.
We'd already moved the intended introduction of solids forward to a vague "ok - before he's 6 months then" but really, the baby got to the food before we got it to him, in a kind of self-propelled autonomous bread-grabbing incident. Bread: The ideal first finger food, kind to aching gums, fine to hold for little hands, and of unoffensive enough a flavour. Bread: The kind of food to have lenient parents say, "Ok - he's not 6, nor 5 months yet, be he so wants to eat, let's let him have a go!"
Except, the bread happened to be pizza.

The first taste of real food: PIZZA

One day later, and as fate would have it, having dinner at Pizza Express. Here we are again with a tired baby that's had all the boob he would take, has aching gums and is eyeing up and groping for the food. We let him have a crust, he happily licks off all the sauce, tickels the dough with his little tongue into mushy softness, has little bits of it and cries bitterly when we take it away from him.

The second taste of real food: Ahem. PIZZA again.

The next day he has a desperately sore bum, and we can't wean him on pizza alone, so Tara volunteers and lovingly mashes him his first bit of banana, and helps feed it him with a pink hand-me-down baby spoon until I remember that first foods are introduced by finger. (They say with baby number two you don't read any books any more? Goodness how true that is!) Leo licks and licks and chews and swallows happily and eventually takes the spoon himself to lick some more. Hello food, here comes Leo!

Third time lucky: Soma banana at last

Some baby rice or porridge tomorrow. The little man wants it, and where I'm concerned, he can have it. Baby-led weaning, here we come. Actually, here we are. And he's five months tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Same happened to us with Ida. She was simply craving food and didn't care much about the boobybusiness. I remember that she had sausages (!) when we went camping in July 2008, being 9 months old. And she didn't care about finger or spoon, it was more of a "Give that to ME, NOW!"

Mommy, Papa and the 'Nuts said...

Francesca was the same too. I mean, how can you pass it up when your peers (bro and sis) are happily enjoying such yummy-ness?!

BABY-LED all the way!

Nirit, Thiemo, Lia and Ben said...

Does a raisin roll count, which Ben gobbled up in no time?? In my case I believe it does, as Lia wasn't given anything REMOTELY sweet until almost 2 years old.
Speaking of sweet, tha Leo of yours is extremely so.

The Allen's said...

When I had Ben, there wasn't so much advice about baby-led weaning. In fact, advice was to start at 4 months. So that's what I did. And I did the same with Jasmine. Not full on food, just the odd puree now and then of banana/avocado/carrot/potato & broccoli etc.... I did find that it meant that Jasmine decided she didn't want breastfeeding anymore at around 7 1/2 was obviously more appealing!