Oh well - I'm making mental notes for improvement for years to come: Buy a nice house with a lovely garden, order green essentials from Germany, and give Leo the chickenpox significantly before or after Easter 2011. At any rate, it does not matter much, Tara has (two weeks later) fond memories. Of having her friend Sophie and sister Amy over and finding Choc eggs and jelly beans (sorry, Tante Claudia, only half a tub left for you now) in the garden the day before
Easter. And on Easter, of finding more! Here, there and everywhere - mostly just lying about on the grass. Mum and dad helped her find them (yes, despite them just lying on the grass, somehow white and brown chocolate just isn't enough of a contrast). ... And thus we learn that, different from what we thought, Tara doesn't even like white chocolate, and that Alex, different from what I though, will actually eat any chocolate when pressed, even white.
It's a special park too - the Eatsre bunny has been and left a few things, and Tara gets to find them.
Mummy: "Whooaaa, you are such a lucky girl! So many children in the park and only you see the treats!"
Tara, telling the neighbour later: "I'm such a lucky girl! The other children didn't see the eggs! Only I did find them!"
Naaa, despite the lack of basket, fake grass and sweets she actually cares to eat, our Tara likes her Easter 2010.
And tomorrow we are starting our Easter holidays. Nine full working days of just me and the kids, a first (and second, third... and ninth) for all three of us. Bit anxious, I am. It'll take a bit more than just a few pieces of chocolate to make that work!
Stock up on lots of chocolate and pizza and you will make it through those 9 days. Or have they happened already?
And when pressed, I will eat any chocolate too :)
I'm absolutely fine with ONLY half a tub of Jelly Beans if you top it up with white chocolate
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