Pizza, pizza, and more pizza... I can't let anyone go on believing that that's all we eat in this house (much as Tara would like it!). VISITORS! But of course. Visitors arrive from Spain, and we stop cooking and go out, out again, and out some more, and in between we have pizza and ice cream, and other than kind volunteers washing the dishes, nobody works around the kitchen for three days.
Tara introducing her Special Visitors to her Spacial Programme 
(Oh yes, and of course we go for coffee, plenty. See left.)
They arrive late at night, and Leo is a bit scared at first when, recently awoken, he is thrust straight into his fabled Titi Isa's embrace, but it's nothing that a second go the next morning can't fix. Once the sun is back out, Leo's smiles roll readily - just Tara, who's been talking about this visit for weeks, goes inexplicably shy and speechless for a bit. But she, too, recovers soon enough over an educational session of Gavin and Stacey, and at the next given opportunity is

chatty enough again to insult the friendly neighbour over it. "You can't come to my house. I already have special visitors," she tells Leah, otherwise her bestfriend and someone she demands to see on a daily basis.
What else is there to say? This pair puts smiles on the kids' faces, so much so that Tara is unwilling to let them go. At all, ever again. When they sit behin on the sofa, behind the table, Tara finds an assortment of bulky toys to lock them in with, and as if that was not enough, next produces blu-tack to 'glue' said objects together, and to the table, building an insurmountable wall.
But only until there is a call for food from the kitchen. Probably pizza.
Tara's Special Visitors locked in.
Off to the kitchen. Food beckons. Pizza, I bet.
Titi Isa and Tito Juande with Leo...
...with a tasty ice cream (and Tara)...
...and with Jose, two hats of Jose's and too much sunshine for Tara's liking!
I love the pictures and the scary José double, too. And very special guests do in fact call for lots of pizza!!!
Such fun times! And such a clever girl, making sure the ice-cream and pizza providing guests can't leave!
It took me a good few seconds to work out which fo the two brothers was Jose! Looks like you all had a lovely time!
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