No, baby, it's Leo Gabriel. Nice name, isn't it?
Oh. It's not Leo-Peo. It's not Schnuckel, kleiner Schatz, kleiner Mann, Suesser and Frump either?
No. Just Leo Gabriel. Leo for a Lion and Gabriel for an angel. Nice, yeah? I hope you like it anyway. I chose it with great care, even though your initials came out as LGV, not LEV like I wanted cause Tara is TOV but I only liked Eren and Elias for an E and you didn't look like either E when you were born a month ago, and your dad din't like them anyway.
Ah. I like Leo. What's wrong with LGV?
LGV is short for Large Goods Vehicle, that's a truck, and for initials that can go both ways but at least you're a boy so there's hope you'll forgive me for it, but like I said you didn't look like an Eren or an Elias...
What's a truck? And anyway, mummy, you're talking so fast, you're making me sleepy! Can you sing me a song?
Oh... well, I'm not very good at singing... what one would you like?
I don't know any but I like your voice. Mummy, what's the first song I ever heard?
That's Bah Bah Black Sheep, mein Schatz. I told you that your big sister Tara would sing it for you, and then I sang it for you so that you'd recognise her by it.
My big sister, that's the one who always wants to pick me up and give me cuddles?
That's the one. She loves you tons.
I know, mein Schatz, but I'm always there to catch you, and I'm watching, and she won't let you fall. Ok... I'm nearly always there... sometimes Tara is a bit faster than me or I'm a bit stuck like, say, on the loo or so... and I've shown her how to hold you, and she knows when she's not allowed to pick you up, and it's all just because she loves you so much, she's not confusing you with her dollies, totally not, and she's so proud of you and... well...
Mummy, I'm hungry. Mummy, ouchy, what's that?
There's an ouchy in my tummy!
Sometimes you eat as much air as you eat milk, I'm afraid, and I don't know how to help you stop it, so it gets stuck in your tummy. But we'll see the breast feeding counsellor for a demonstration, I think, and I've already worked out how Pupsgymnastik (trump exercise ;-) can help you a bit: Every time you trump I push your legs into your tummy and more air comes out; it's particularly funny when you're naked...
Mummy, you're talking too fast again. And I'm hungry.
Sorry, baby. Wait. Here's a boob...
Oh YES! But wait, there's one thing I wanted to say: 'Hi. My name is Leo Gabriel and I'm one month old.' ... Mummy, I'm hungry AND sleepy now. Can I have a cuddle? And can I have my song now?
The above chat, of course, never took place. Expecially not the bit where Leo is presented a boob and says "wait." Hah! Truth is, I'm still getting to know him.
Tara, on the other hand, has the whole situation worked out. If any little cry gets in the way, she'll suggest: "I know! Just stick a bubu into him!" Well - it's very practical, and it works.
Me, I'm getting better at reading him though, although it took me a while to work out that not every cry is a cry for a boob. For the first two weeks, I fear, Leo-Peo found himself with a milky nipple in his mouth every time he was complaining about a bit of wind stuck in his tiny tummy. Still, Little Man is likely to accept the offer whenever it is made. But then, we're still only very new to each other, and I am getting better!
In celebration of Leo's first full month, we've made chocolate and orange cake with raspberries (no icing as calories would get too close to 4 digits per piece), and ornage drizzle cake. We've invited the neighbours round for tea and baby cuddles, and Tara has invited her collection of ponies round, too. The ponies line up with great discipline at first, then drift of to graze on both cakes... they have nothing to do with holes being poked into the chocolate cake where the raspberries can be spotted... and eventually show a strong preferrence for the orange drizzle. Strangely, just like Tara. Good job, too - there's already only half a cake left of the chocolate one, which, ahem, is my own seasonal favourite (recipe available upon request).
PS.: Tara's one month entry is here. All is pretty much the same, except that I weighed a whole lot less then and looked it, and I'm certainly nowhere near having my tummy back to normal and flat. All that cake...
Jose looks like he's watching/reading something on his Itouch - and who said men can't multi task????
Well yes... if you class 'holding one finger still while generally not moving anything else either' as a 'task'?
baby steps Alex, baby steps.....we all have to start somewhere ;-)
You guys look amazing. What a beautiful family
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