It's the day on which Tara spoke the magical words: "Mummy, I love baby Leo!"
So here we are, rained in on a Saturday, slowly finding our places and turning into a family of four. It's as good a day as any for a brief family portrait, to try and catch a magical moment and freeze it in time:
Jose: Today he's our link to the outside world. Nobody else has yet bothered to get dressed, but one just had to go out for some bread (SOME BREAD! Not some bread and two bags full of other stuff, mostly treats!... But then, that's just what happens to all of us, each time we shop at the shop of the white and green bags... just part of the price you pay for frequenting the nicest and most expensive supermarket in the UK...). And anyway, one desn't feed a family of four on bread alone. So I say: "Smile, Papi, and lift up the booty!"
Alex: ... Or do I prefer to be known as MUMMY today? Forget about personal space, ego and individuality when I have such gorgeous children to contemplate, play with and cuddle? I mean, look at me: Still in my pyjamas at the end of the day, messy hair from lounging in bed or on the sofa all day, and a big silly smile going as wide across my face as it will... stupidly blissfully happy, one could say. High on hormones perhaps? High on baby and his sister? Don't know. don't care. For now, just 'Mummy' is totally sufficient.
Tara: The most beautiful girl in town is actually MY daughter! Three years in and I still can't believe it... So here she is, my Baba (Can't still call her 'baby' now, can I?), on to rainy day activity #34, colouring in one of the gifts that Leo brought her 9 days ago. In between activities nipping to the baby brother's basket for the occasional stroke of his little face or status update like "Mummy, Leo's eyes are awake"... "Leo is sleeping, his face is very worried!" What do I wish for her future, I wonder? A successful career? Many lovely babies? Or simply that she remain my little amazing girl forever?
Baby Leo: Aaaaw, he's so cute. He's so lovely to hold. His hair is so incredibly soft and beautiful to stroke! I love to tickle his soft little neck. And the little smiles I've seen so far? Just the sweetest! His chord came off two days ago. He's all himself now - I've got no clue what he's like, really, and who and what he'll be, but I don't care. We'll have him any way he wants to be.
And the other baby hanging over the rim of his basket? Anna-baby. Introducing Leo to all tof Tara's babies was rainy day activity #35.
So here we are, getting to know and love each other all over again, my little family of four.
Well, it is so very nice to meet ALL of you!
Yes, it is very nice indeed. You guys are looking blissfully happy and we are so happy for you
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