1. Tons of presents.

Home is where the heart is, and to us that is where Tara and Leo are. At the moment, it's England (where Tara and Leo were born). But it could just as well be Germany (where Alex is from) or Spain (where Jose is from). The kids' diary is for all our friends and family who can only watch our babies grow from a distance - and of course, for Tara and Leo, with love.
Congratulations? Are you just poking your belly out for fun or are you really preggy? I hope you are really preggy!
Are YOU having twins?? Err, a baby and a gummibear?
Baby, gummibear and something chocolate, for sure...
oh my, if that belly was from sweeties, Alex dear, you really should have shared a bit more! So I really, really hope that this is a baby belly because that tummy ache following that many sweets would have been horrific ...
Congratulations! That Party of Five just keeps expanding and expanding. Unbelievable. So happy for the three of you!
Dear friends... so there are people among you who think it entirely possible that I get this fat AND flaunt it on the internet? Fascinating. But see top centre picture: would I shine a benevolent smile upon a mere heap of fat? I would not. 'Tis indeed another child, and it's name is Miaomiao, says Tara. Of course there are also corresponding heaps of fat, but not on the front, and I sure shall not flaunt them either!
Oh, wie schön, ein Geschwisterkind, Glückwunsch! Wann wird der neue Erdenbürger denn erwartet?
Lieben Gruß und alles Gute
Like that weird little noise the italians make while sticking out their tongues? Hmpf. We'll just have to have a little chat with little miss Tara, no won't we? I'm sure she could be persuaded to change her mind after a few sweeties, or 20.
p.s. I have the same (situational) photo (in my head) of Lorenzo with heaps of gifts from our travels as well. Bizzallions of outfits I will never put him in and various plastic loud-noise-making toys. Nirit witnessed the madness and me thanking God that no on understood "I want my present NOW" every time someone gave to visit. Of COURSE there WAS a present...
Yay! Another Bebe! Will be so happy to share sleepless night with someone else! oh, I hope that by the time you have this bebe I will no longer be having sleepless nights! Be'sha'ah Tova!
I hope you're all well and of course I curious if you're going to find out if it'll be a gummiboy or chocolategirl?
Popular vote is YES, find out! How can we all wait till the end...wait, WHEN exactly IS the end???
Soooo happy for you!!! Enjoy growing! And I'm sure there'll never be too many sweeties in your family...:-)
Due date is 5/11 and find-out scan-date (if we so choose) is 24/6...
Congratulations Alex, Jose and Tara :-)
Congratulations Alex and Jose - a sister or brother for Tara. Just when you thought that your life was back on track along will come another bundle of joy to brighten your day and keep you awake at night. The love, joy, warmth and happiness that you all will share will more than make up for the occasional sleepness night.
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