"How many sweeties do you get?!" I ask Tara when I pick her up from nursery.
It's mother-and-daughter code and, in plain English, reads: "How many wee-wees and poopies did you do on the toilet?"
One wee-wee earns one sweetie and a poopie is worth three, and today Tara confidently and correctly declares, "Five!" She's right, too - you can do the maths, which roughly equals one half load of washing less to do at home. That alone is worth five sweeties indeed!
To say that Tara has sweet tooth would be somewhat of an understatement. I don't even know when and where she picked the word up from, or how come she knows about the readily accessible existence of sweets, but somehow she does. And my, does she love the stuff. Take this conversation, which we had the other day just after she opened her eyes and declared "Morgen-time!" (2years, 8 months).
Tara: "For my breakfast I want sweeties, ice-cream and sugar!"
Me: "Surely you would also like something HEALTHY, like muesli perhaps?"
Tara: "No, I don't like de muesli. I only like de sugar."
One good-morning wee-wee later, she rightfully claimed a sweetie for a starter to her breakfast (toast with jam - lick jam off, leave bread).
Potty training went well and was completed very swiftly. After a bit of dabbling and playing with the idea of potties, and the occasional sitting session on the loo, nursery decided it was time to get serious and send her in "without nappies and with loads of changes of clothes".
So we did. Week one was a bit wet, but each day brought a steady incline in our success rate (0-1-2-3-4). The greatest accident happened at home when she sat on the loo, high up like a queen, tried to lean forward with her ellbows on her knees and, with flourish, fell right off onto her face. Not too bad, is it, and it certainly didn't generate any extra washing.
At nursery, I was told, she quite enjoyed the extra one-to-one time with her carers, along with little conversations and the praise and entertainment they provided. She had them dance little dances of success, and sing her songs: "Sing me Mamma Mia!"
My favourite piece of dialogue? Over the first proper poo at home: "Mummy, you are very pleased, are you? And daddy is very pleased too. And I am very pleased too!"
Well, I am very pleased!
That week was followed by a two week break as we went to Spain and didn't have a washing machine when we came back. Two lazy weeks, although she did demand to be taken to the loo at some point, and cried once when I told her she couldn't go cause someone else was in the bathroom.
The next week, following the purchase of a washing machine, back at nursery in 'underpants' - accident free, all week. Potty training complete. Very pleased mum, and very pleased dad, and a very well stocked, and frequently consulted sweetie jar in the kitchen.
Sometimes we fight over whose turn it is going first. "It's me turn first, then it's your turn," Tara habitually solves the dilemma. But she makes up for it. "Well done, mummy, a wee-wee!" she likes to praise me. I don't get praised that often, so I got to accept my compliments as they come, don't I.
She's one sweet sweetie, my little big chicken girl.
1 comment:
Almost didn't see this post! Glad I did! Wow, wow, wow.
Big girl Tarita.
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