"I'm gonna be a star!" Tara declared a few weeks back, and at every opportunity since. "I'm gonna be a star!"
A star at the nursery's nativity play and "my Kissmas party," which she's been looking forward to very verbally and very much as well. And she was so proud of her role, different from some of her friends. "Maddy be a donkey," she informed me as well. "Maddy wanna be a king... Maddy be a donkey."
Occasionally I would hear her practise to herself, either singing, or reciting her friends' roles. "There's no room!", says Tara the inn keeper, "NO ROOM!" Says Tara, too, when daddy wants to come into the kitchen through the door that she's slammed shut. Or her little voice twinkles loudly, "Christmas pudding, steaming hot, sprinkle on the sugar, eat a lot!", a favourite right along with "Father Christmas, he got stuck, coming down the chimney, what bad luck!"*
So, the night before Tuesday I sit down to make her costume, privately amused by thoughts of how some 25 years ago my mother would have made my kiddie costumes for other occasions, and how now I'm lovingly making the first for my very own darling daughter. Stitch, cut stitch, glue - just within my skills; if she gets a promotion to angel next year I'll have to buy, I fear!

Her party is a hit! There are soooo many parents and siblings and grandparents (some 200 maybe), and my starlet clings to me for the whole of the beginning, except the little trip up to baby Jesus in the manger who was all by himself and needed a starlet cuddle. But when the big moment came and she got called (along with all the other little twinkly stars) onto the stage, off she went like a big girl. Aaaah, the courage!
Proud mum and starlet(There are loads of lovely picture of donkeys, Mary & Joseph, angels, sheperds kings and stars, none of which I am allowed to stick on the internet.)
Party snack time
After the play and lots of singing, there is a snack party, a very funny magician, and - oh my - a visit from Santa, who gives everyone a present. Tara grabs it quickly while hanging on to me, and will not for the life of her get any closer than necessary. Bless!

I had thought, maybe she'd like to reinforce the content of her passionately scribbled letter to Santa at this opportunity - A puzzle, a 'present' and CHOCOLATE - but she's more into getting away.
Never mind. I'll have a word with the elves, I got connections. Puzzle. Chocolates. And 'a present'. We're on it. Seven days to go, and my oh my, this Tara? She been a good girl. The
best! No doubt about it!
She even sung me my favourite song** for the camera. Here you go. Special treat.
Christmas Puddingand, as befits a star,
Twinkle TwinkleMy star got attitude, man. I love her to smitherens. And I think I may be looking forward to her first proper conscious Christmas more than she is...
* Melody of Fraire Jaque / Bruder Jakob / Brother Jacob.
** My TRUE favourite is this one, actually: Where "We wish you a merry Christman... good TIDIngs we bring...", Tara goes: "We wish you a merry Christmas... We TIDY up, ok ok..." She has me in stitches over it.