So when the rain took to an on-off pattern after a day of climbing the walls, we waited for a dry lull and took to the shops. By bobby car. No push chair.
I'm told that when I was small, it took about two hours to get to the end of the street, which was about eight houses long. So by comparison, 90 minutes for 5 streets and back, including shopping for fish and pears, isn't too bad. Except, it was.
Tara riding the car? Didn't quite work. Spent about 2% of the trip on it, and the remainder having fun
*trying to push her car
*eating a snack
*touching up trees, cars, fauna, stone walls, and pebbles
*asking to be picked up again and again and again
*sitting on benches
*sitting on curbstones
*admiring half dead worms
*pausing in the middle of the road to contemplate life
*trying to visit a high number of neighbours
*chasing all available cats

while crossing a street wasn't on, because the streets belong to cars, which are dangerous animals.
Except Tara's little red car. Which won't be taken out again for any similar trips for the next 12 years at least.
For the remainder of the rainy season, we will read books, bake cakes, take hot baths, and shop online.
* It doesn't really say that. It says, "Warning! This cake is an indulgent treat. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight!" I had to go back and buy another one to confirm the exact wording. Of course, I didn't have to eat it for that purpose. However, I did.
O.K., die Bobbycar-Option scheidet für den heutigen Regentag also schon mal aus! Die Maus kommt gleich ins Auto und dann in den Einkaufswagen, wo sie wieder nach Herzenslust alle unsere Einkäufe zertrampeln kann... (frustration brownie included??)
Ooh, I want to live at your house for the rainy season! It just sounds too lovely...all my favorite things to do.
I'll be there as soon as possible as long as you have one of those delicious fatty brownies waiting for me.
Today I said to Brandy at our favorrite Burger place "If Alex also lived around the corner, we'd have such great fun that all of Charlotte would be afraid of the crazy triplets and their nutty brats". How true, how true. It would be perfect with just one (major) exception: we would all turn into pretty fat mamas.
A brownie a day, split three ways. Not only would I be a slimmer person, in fact, but also a happier. You see, it's not in the lonesome eating of whole fat brownies where true happiness lies...
...nor is it in splitting that fatty brownie THREE WAYS... I am fully behind "Operation Move-the-Brits (or is it BRATS?) to America".
How much fun would we have terrorizing the tri-state area?!
of course, they'd track us down from our brownie crumb-trails...
I also had a similar experience with the 'push car' when we first went out into the big wide world on a walking trip to my mums house (less than 10 mins walk generally) - the trip there took well over an hour - we arrived exhausted, well I did - not sure about Thomas I think his exhaustion was from the excitement of seeing the world other than from a pram or car window. Never again I vowed - we now take the 'push' car in the 'big' car and go to the park where we have lots of space, interesting things to look at and do and definitely no big roads to cross and best of all a wonderful cafe that makes home baked goodies - much better, far more relaxing and less stressful. Doesn't she look adorable - how can such a sweet looking pretty adorable looking girl cause you to eat stress relieving brownies.
PS We now use walking rains when we go to my mums - much easier than the 'push' car and it has the desired result of tiring him out
Take car - Janet
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