And Tara's little voice goes, from half a meter further down: "Mami want coffee."
It's the day of 'want' it seems. At breakfast she had already surprised me with a decided "Ah-wan leckert" (I want joghurt).
Great stuff, and ah-wan to use the opportunity to broadcast these lovely family pics, and let's call them I Want Coffee, 2008 (i-iii).
That said, I later clicked into the fact that when she's calling me a cute 'Mami' these days - as in Mami want coffee; Mami's hat; Mami's jacket etc. etc. - then that's actually MUMMY. She was shouting after other kids' mother earlier, and it was just too blatant for me to keep overlooking it.
Mummy want coffee!
And guess what - just like Jose being miffed at being referred to as daddy, I'm feeling a bit miffed too. Mami, mummy... I know, same difference, BUT STILL!
*sulk* Ich reduziere ihre Kindergartenstunden! *grummel*
A little later yet, and we went for out coffee with another friend (super-social Tuesday, and I've no-one but myself to blame for a touchy teary more-than-tired toddler well before bedtime), and Tara had no less than FIVE (5) (oh yes) babyccinos. Cause, you know, Tara want coffee TOO!
Oh how adorable! She looks so grown up with her coffee!
Wow, Tari, I'm awfully proud of you! Five coffees for you, five sandwiches for me. Can't wait for the next time we'll get together!
Merle and Tara HAVE GOT TO meet again! Merle does not like babyccino! Or maybe she is just sensitive, since her MAMA isn't so fond of coffee these belly-growing days either. We have to wait and see and maybe get over to England to have Tari show her the secrets of a (or two, three...five) coffees...
Its genetic. We think.
Um, Tara? Hello, where have you guys been??? Translating perhaps?
I'll just take a peel over there....
A PEEK I mean...
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