And Tara's little voice goes, from half a meter further down: "Mami want coffee."
It's the day of 'want' it seems. At breakfast she had already surprised me with a decided "Ah-wan leckert" (I want joghurt).
Great stuff, and ah-wan to use the opportunity to broadcast these lovely family pics, and let's call them I Want Coffee, 2008 (i-iii).
That said, I later clicked into the fact that when she's calling me a cute 'Mami' these days - as in Mami want coffee; Mami's hat; Mami's jacket etc. etc. - then that's actually MUMMY. She was shouting after other kids' mother earlier, and it was just too blatant for me to keep overlooking it.
Mummy want coffee!
And guess what - just like Jose being miffed at being referred to as daddy, I'm feeling a bit miffed too. Mami, mummy... I know, same difference, BUT STILL!
*sulk* Ich reduziere ihre Kindergartenstunden! *grummel*
A little later yet, and we went for out coffee with another friend (super-social Tuesday, and I've no-one but myself to blame for a touchy teary more-than-tired toddler well before bedtime), and Tara had no less than FIVE (5) (oh yes) babyccinos. Cause, you know, Tara want coffee TOO!