But who cares?! Tara certainly doesn't... or just a little bit, like when the raindrops hit her on the head and in her face... you see, Tara just doesn't
do cold water on hair or skin... but luckily that's where brolly training comes in. Ah. Bad news. Holding an umbrella isn't quite as easy as it seems, the d*** thing keeps rolling off baby's miniature shoulder and hitting the floor and swaying in the wind. Asylum! Asylum! Anywhere! Under daddy's umbrella, on mummy's arm... oh wait! Is this a wall to balance on? Forget asylum, let Tara walk the wall walk (video)!

But, boy!, does she remember what shes given the rainy walk and slippery walls up for! We've been driving for less than a minute... and yes, that's MUMMY driving, ug-hugh, family chauffeur mummy... before this little voice in the back of the car peeps: "Milch? MILCH?" (pause) "MILCH!"
"Jaja, Tara, Mami (oh yes, ug-hugh, Mami) fährt uns nur eben in die Stadt, DA gibt es dann MILCH! Gleich sind wir da!"
By God, I'm chauffeur to a little person with a memory and the ability to demand that promises be kept! Where has she come from, over night?!
Luckily, the town centre is near by and keeping this promise isn't much of a problem. Watch her enjoy it (video)!

PS.: Jose's forbidden me to upload any of my hard work on the pole, but I'm giving you this link to show you what's so great about it. Check it out! Isn't it beautiful?!