Of course, among ourselves, we'd already worked out that daddy is a genius. There is unequivocal statistical proof: His record-breaking bedtime success. And how he feeds Tara without trashing the kitchen floor!

And CLEARLY the bestest entertainer in the whole of Leicester. But we've known that, at least, for a long time! To us, he's been Dr. Daddy all along. So now, he can be Dr. Dr. Daddy!
One family hug into chemical (not comical) Dr.-dom, mummy gets the camera out. But of course! So pictured below, from left to right: Mummy ('I MUST take an official family shot now that daddy's a proper doctor!'); Tara ('Give me that camera now, or I will wiggle and wriggle and whine!'); Dr. Daddy ('Calm. At peace. Relaxed. Aaaaah... Hungry! Not eaten since yesterday 3pm.').

... and off they walk into the sunset and their happily ever after. (Spot the green traffic lights?! That's a GOOD sign!)
Ah, not so fast now. There's Friday still, and That Decision. Still to be made. So we'll keep walking for a while, and on our girly own too, Tara & I. Dr. Dr. Daddy got on a train and went back to Sandwich to help save the poorly of the world.
Oooooooooh Dr. Daddy Vidal! Congratulations!!!! And celebrations!!! Your girls are very proud of you, and so are we. We take our hat off to the man with the doctoral cap.
Thiemo, Nirit & Lia
congratulations, josé! We're so proud of you (at least one of us has to finish that darn dissertation - which I guess means that it IS possible if you don't quit early!)!!!!
Good luck with That Decision on Friday. Make it a good one. Tricky. I hate those with many downsides opposed to many upsides. Why can't it all be upsides? Why? Not fair.
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