It is breath-taking and nothing short of a miracle, and it happened as follows:
Friday night, and mummy was at the gym, working her heart, her bum, and generally having herself a good old sweaty time. Tara was home with daddy. Tara was
veeeery tired after a long, toy- and eventful day at nursery. So when daddy told her off for playing with her food (tortellini again as every night, all week, poor kid - very tasty though and cook in only
ONE! blissful minute) in no uncertain terms, Tara started crying
veeery bitterly, and was shipped off to bed immediately, even though mummy and the boobies were still elsewhere. Tara and daddy and teddy lay down to sleep, nose to nose to nose, and after a bit of poking (eyes, nose), and a great deal of sitting up and lying back down nose to nose to nose, Tara dozzZZZZzzzed off.
And I had just sadly declined an invitation for a night out with the gym crowd that I would have actually
really liked to accept.
With an eye on potential future invitations (and I'm not fishing for invitations here as none of the gym crowd know about the blog), we tried to repeat the miracle on Saturday (being today). Tara was offered tortellini (erm, yes, again), fed a boob, walked to the bottom of the stairs, hand in hand with mummy (clutching a toy in the other hand), ascended the stairs with daddy, and has not been heard of since (3 1/2 hours later).
Nose to nose to nose they lay, Tara poking her father's eyes and nose, and from how he tells the story she poked and poked, then sat up, went red around the eyes, trumped a really major trump, collapsed sideways and was asleep.
I've been up to take a look, and there she lay sleeping peacefully, stretched out star shaped, and teddy sat and watched over her.
So. A day and a few hours ago I still though I would have to deny myself a social (night)life because my baby cannot go to sleep without me. Now I know I was wrong, and that is such a relief I want to... can I go out and celebrate it? With... any invitations anyone?
Your bonus pic: Tara making
ZZZzzzzz. Aaaaahhhhh!