Just as I was saying (again) how my daughter would never, it seems, want to turn over, she actually, finally, did. I hadn't really meant it anyway. Surely she would work out how to swing that heavy head over and get her arm out of the way, some time before she was 18 and left the house. So here we go: made it! - 17 years, 2 months and two weeks, roughly, before said time. Now over she rolls, pushes that heavy head up for about ten seconds, smiles a big fat grin at mummy, then flops flat onto her front and goes on grinning. Or whines, and is turned back onto her back by an understanding mummy who knows, babe, it's hard work holding heavy bits up when you haven't got the muscles yet.

See that spot on the orange-purple-pink bit of the rug, near the sun yellow lion, which I've helpfully marked with a red 'x'? That's where I put her before I put the washing up. Now, officially this kid doesn't move yet. At all. Full stop. A mystery? I have a theory. It involves bending of legs and pulling that bum along, as seen on a baby friend at nursery. We will have to keep an eye on this. And start thinking about rearranging the house. Bummer.
Much safer - supervised standing. Great fun, fully controlled, and no danger to kitchen cupboards or other elements of established order around the house. Clearly mummy's preference for now!
P.S. I know I've been complaining about how I have to help her stand all the time when she could just as well sit (but won't) and play on her own (not a preferred choice), while I could have my hands to myself and do stuff. Just ignore me.
Vielleicht habt ihr aber auch kleine grüne Haus-Elfen, die kleine Kinder auf Teppichen bewegen?! Tari sieht jedenfalls so aus, als wäre ihr ihr Fortkommen auch nicht ganz geheuer. Die kleine Maus schaut ein bischen irritiert drein ...
Alex, Du weißt aber schon, dass es nicht child-proof ist, kleine Wesen, die nicht alleine stehen und gehen können und sich offiziell auch sonst nicht bewegen, mit Raubtieren alleine zu lassen? Es ist ja verständlich, dass Du gerne Dinge erledigen möchtest, aber das ist NICHT DER RICHTIGE WEG!!!! :-) Just a thought!
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