Back home, hurray, to a phone that is not working as it should, a scratch on the rental car (who put that ugly bolder there?!) that was not fully insured, an electricity bill for GBP 360 GBP for the old flat (but WHY did they never ever issue any bills before?! Or rather, why start now? You’d think BT were issuing electricity bills now too.), and because that went down so well, yet another electricity bill for GBP 500 for the new flat, roughly for the last three years. Other than that, an empty apartment, a cupboard full of German goodies & Just Us! No friends or family, no extra pairs of arms and hands or ears for Tara-roll-over-training or chatting. What a weird feeling. A picture to prove my point:
What can you see? Tara? Exactly my point. No extra people in the pic.
But there is another point to make: What else can you see? Tara wearing delightful new clothes (while practising sitting up without falling over)? Exactly! There – one English post-Christmas delight: The SALES! And what do you do when it’s mostly just you and your daughter all day long, most days? Exactly, you go shopping. Girly business, retail therapy for mum, retail therapy training for baby girl. I draw a line at buying lovely reasonably priced things for Tara at 84cm, or 18 months. A generous line, and we have plenty fun with it. Tara helps at Bargain hunting too: She sleeps peacefully through all perfect deals, but wakes & starts crying when mummy is about to get careless & buy things that could be cheaper still. So out the shop we rush, crying Babe & I, and rest assured the next time we return to re-raid the sales rack, said items have been reduced further, and are not only still there but also truly cheap. Thank you Tara, thank you GAP (yes, that shop again)!
Tara also kindly turns each trip into a fat burning workout by refusing to ride home in her pram. Wahwahwah pick me up! Wahwah I want to ride on YOU not in the pram wahwah! Or is it more of a weights workout, what with all the bags and Tara’s great appetite? (At any rate, looks like I should have my hair cut too.)
And while spending sprees are such good fun I’ll just ignore the electricity bill – If they really want their money I’m sure their admin team will manage a timely reminder – and buy yet another book dress top for my girl (bargains for mummy hold no charm this season). No toys though. We’ve learnt the Christmas lesson. Tara gets to play with the wrapping material. Bargain, and we’re laughing!

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