So it's December, and with the regularity of the sun going up and down, I'm putting dough in the over and pull banana loaves back out. Since my sister made us 3 cakes in four days, Jose got addicted and we have developed a new family tradition (I don't get addicted. I just get chubby). It goes like this:
Mummy: Jose! I'm going to bake you a cake because I love you so and I know you love the cake nearly as much as me!
Jose: Great. This is true love. My cake! My cake!
Then I bake the cake, eat about 40% of it, run off with about another 40% to feed friends, and leave Jose with the remaining slices. What he has to say to that is no blogging material, but also part of the tradition and a good enough reason to go out and buy:
butter (110g), sugar (190g), 2 eggs, 3 ripe bananas, flour (150g brown and white each), baking powder (2 tea spoons), walnuts (100g), and two bars of dark yummy chocolate;
and get baking again as follows (Sarah & Sue, listen up!):
mix butter, sugar, eggs and 3 spoons of warm water until smooth;
blend or mash the bananas and mix them in with the above;
mix all the remaining ingredients together, add a pinch of salt (smash the still wrapped bars of choc up with a bottle, pound them and beat them to a pulp - this is highly satisfactory in general and whacks that unruly chocolate into shape on top. Do NOT cheat by buying chocolate drops);
Mix all of the above together, and stick in the over for an hour at ca. 160 degrees.
Hmmmmmm... that smells good! And how it tastes! Doesn't it Jose? And you don't mind if I take just one thin slice to...
But then this whole eating business is just the most fascinating thing! (Yes! Yes! My daughter! No doubt! ... And just how lucky is Jose that Tara is too young still to claim her share of the remaining 20%!)
Although of course for now there is nothing quite as blissful as a nice meal of a boobie. A picture in babana yellow.
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