Yesterday I nipped downtown for a visit to the midwife (actually, I waddled slowly, lunging myself from one leg to the other, but the result was the same as nipping down would have given me - I got there, sooner or later). After a little prick of my veins, a feel of my tummy and a lovely listen to baby's heartbeat, I thought it might be a good idea to perhaps ask about inductions. Did I know that if the midwife was unable to rupture my membranes to break my waters, I might have to stay in hospital for up to TWO (2!) days before the event for the administration of artificial prostaglandins to help the cervix ripen and make it softer for beaking? No I did not! This is not in my books! (A cunning medical plan to keep me out of the sales and stop me from washing and ironing baby clothes I'm sure!) But did I know there's something I could to to give myself a little head start? What would help is... - I know what's coming, this bit IS in the books - ...INTERCOURSE. Lots of. The reason is in the books as well: "Semen is rich in prostaglandins, which ripen the cervix - the easiest way to 'administer' it is by having sex with, ermm, a man" (Kaz Cooke again, Week 36). The midwife puts it a little differently and concludes in summary: Men. They have their uses.
I know that much, thank you. They cook your smelly salmon and broccoli dinners, wash the dishes and help you into socks and shoes if only you grunt loud enough and look helpless enough. They bring you flowers and presents after you've given birth to their baby. And then there's the minor detail of procreation as such.
When I tell Jose later, he starts mumbling: I hope that's going to be me. Not that they have some giant hunk with a ginormous shlonk at the hospital, and his name is Willie the Wombbreaker...

My fault. I have not made him read the books and have failed to specifically mention that this would be a preparatory long term measure, not a last minute 2-days-at-the-hospital remedy. When I come round to the idea I reckon I'll enlighten him. His chances aren't looking all too bad where it comes to hunk-dom with the required amount of, ermm, willingness.
In the meantime I've bought lots of raspberry leaf tea. That's in the books as well. (Sonja: Four packets? Are you mad? How long do you want to stay pregnant for?).
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