Family 2013. Leo is 3 and a bit, Tara 6 1/2. The house is 2 years in our possession and lots of work remains to be done. I have a list. But today the weather is great and it's down to the beach for a little entertainment and some stone throwing.
I throw a few and then stand back, admire the kids and wait for the time we get back and maybe stop by a cafe in town for coffee. Deserved.
Jose takes the lead and instructs the kids in the picking of the best stones, plus some throwing technique.
Tara throws and then just follows the stones. Daredevil playing catch me with the waves.
Leo, a litte more reserved when it comes to the sea, tries to come to the rescue. He grabs Tara's hand to pull her to safety; Come on Tara come OUT! But Tara can't be moved: No, Leo, it's ok Leo. And Leo's attempts at saving his crazy, cold and water loving sister are only good for as long as the waves don't lick at his feet. Then he runs! Run, Leo, run, or the water will get you!
Tara takes the sea home in her boots. Half a liter each. We spot that rather late, but in time to make the right decision: straight home, no cafe today. (But plenty opportunity in the 364 days of 2013 ahead.)