How long can I handle snuggley cosy cuddley co-sleeping for? Here's how long: 5 years and one month, roughly. And now those five years and one month, wonderful though they were, are over and I've had enough: Leo-Loo's got to learn how to go to sleep by himself. At least how to go to sleep by himself, in his own bed.
All sorts of text books promise that new habits are acquired within one week, and in exchange for a though-through series of sleep inducing events, after a week of decreasing levels of fascination and protest, we're there. It goes like this: "Book, Boobie, Bett." Leo's words, along with "Mummy, cuggle me!"
In the first weeks Water and Maus are also key ingredients of a successful night time (see last picture), and true to form my kid shows very little interest in cuddly toys but hugs his water bottle instead. If you can drink from it it's gotta be good...
Bed? Feeling a bit lost perhaps?
... but when a boy's gotta sleep a boy's gotta sleep.
Night by night...
... bed by bed. Ooops, wrong bed...
I love watching my sleeping baby...
... and my sleeping baby's baby loves my baby.
Oh well, yes, this happens too (and I want no funny comments about recycling pink sleepwear.)
"I'm my Mama's sugar pie and I know it and I sleep when I see fit."A few hours in the divine child wakes up, needs a cuddle and kicks up a major fuss if he does not get to move over to my bed, but it's a start. (And I miss him when he's not there...)
The de-babyfication of Leo-Loo has begun. *BIG SIGH*
Leo goes by the name of Leo-Loo these days. Looks wrong but sounds right. And rhymes with Mister Moo and Baby Boo. One day I'm just gonna go and eat this baby UP.