Squirrel hunt
(The squirrels win)So, just in case these are the last warm and sunny days, we are out there when we can. Leo, when I promise him some PARK at pick up, gets so excited he can't nap and tells everybody withing range what he's up to. His carer, "Park!" Any other mum at the door, "Park!" Random strangers on the way, "Park!" It a bit like he's on his way to Heaven (on Earth), and all you have to do is set him free on the green.
are squirrels in Heaven, and dogs and ants, aren't there?
Tara is equally delighted, and if she needed any convincing the hope of meeting friends (new or existing), having a picnic and hogging a swing for at least half an hour would win her over. Wheeeee!

Breadstix 'n biscuitsWhen you haven't got all day to yourself there's nothing like a decent park on the way home from school. So there we are, out in short sleeves while we can, getting sunburnt - what a fabulous way of extending the summer past the end of the holidays.