Friday, September 23, 2011


There is exactly one good reason why Leo did not fall into his tea face forward: I'd taken the plate away literally 30 seconds ago - to get him seconds, at his request.
Poor baby, it's been a long day at the end of a long night and along week.
(As Tara put it, "Mami I hear tomorrow is going to be a good day: Mamis aren't going to be so shouty tomorrow.")

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dem Leo klebt 'n Opa anner Backe

'I know that I have Opa stuck to my face and I know that that's funny!'

Check... check... 'Is my Opa still stuck?'

Es war einmal... ein Collage aus Großeltern und anderen Familienmitgliedern, die in Tara's Zimmer hing. Bis zum Umzug, bei dem sie abhanden kam, um dann neun Monate später gefunden und sofort von Leo zerlegt zu werden. In Köpfe und andere Fetzen. Seitdem taucht Opa Didi immer mal wieder auf.
Die erste Erscheinung fand im Wäschekorb statt, den Leo hilfreich leerte. Mit dem halben Körper im leeren Wäschekorb rief er voller Begeisterung "OPA! OPA!" Danach tauchte Opa auf der Treppe auf und Leo fiel fast kopfüber die Treppe runtern beim Opa Einsammeln.
Danach tauchten Opa und Leo im Team auf und sprangen durch die Küche, von Kameras und begeisterten Eltern bewundert (sehen sie sich ähnlich oder sehe nur ich das grade?). Von uns aus muss sich der Leo den Opa gar nicht von der Back putzen...

Irgendwo dürfte auch ein Omakopf versteckt sein. Mal gucken, ob der irgendwann auftaucht, und wo. Wir freuen uns schon auf die nächste großelterliche Begegnung.

Bis dahin kleb ich dem Leo anner Backe. Was sonst. (Irgendwann fress ich den Jungen auf.)

'I've got a mummy stuck to my face... somebody get her OFF!'

Saturday, September 17, 2011

PS on those excesses in the late summer park sessions

Aaaaaand the first official cold of the season goes to.... [drumroll]... Mr Moo, it's true!

At least it's fair and proportianate to his passion for the park. My boy wakes up in the mornings, sits up and even before he opens his eyes, exclaims "PARK!" (followed by roughly another 200 "park"s before we actually get there). Boys. ey?

Friday, September 16, 2011

In case these are the last days of summer

Squirrel hunt

(The squirrels win)

So, just in case these are the last warm and sunny days, we are out there when we can. Leo, when I promise him some PARK at pick up, gets so excited he can't nap and tells everybody withing range what he's up to. His carer, "Park!" Any other mum at the door, "Park!" Random strangers on the way, "Park!" It a bit like he's on his way to Heaven (on Earth), and all you have to do is set him free on the green.
There are squirrels in Heaven, and dogs and ants, aren't there?
Tara is equally delighted, and if she needed any convincing the hope of meeting friends (new or existing), having a picnic and hogging a swing for at least half an hour would win her over. Wheeeee!

Breadstix 'n biscuits

When you haven't got all day to yourself there's nothing like a decent park on the way home from school. So there we are, out in short sleeves while we can, getting sunburnt - what a fabulous way of extending the summer past the end of the holidays.