Of course, given this virtualy return from the dead, seeing is believing. So here goes, very briefly:
LOTS of boxes! Snowstorm. Desaster.
THEN WE UNPACKED. Partially. Women and children first.
And miraculously, we lived to tell the tale. Including: The kindness of strangers and new neighbours who fed us meals, and old friends whom we still have not thanked for Christmas presents due to lack of time and good manners. It's awful, really.
We have achieved a fair bit, though (cooking and letter writing not being among those achievements). Seeing is believing:
We are out of one and in the other, some stuff is still in boxes, other stuff out, but more of it in cause there are still not enough boxes to stick it all up in. In the midst of it all, I have put my back out, and - wait, it's really high time I stuck the kids into their beds.
So, here we are. Back from the digitally dead, one hopes. Somewhat invisible still, putting it slowly all back together.