The story of the Carrot Cake... is a sad story indeed. It's the story of share share, and it just doesn't work! Tara acquires an edible that was destined for her father's tummy by promising she would share. But then she just grabs what she can and doesn't let go of what she got. Cake, yogurt, you name it. The good news? Sharing isn't actually expected of any little girl under three.
A completely different lady who was not expected to share share but sadly has, is the owner-lady of the maisonnette around the corner that we were dying to rent. Turns out she gave it to the agency for marketing, also left it with another holiday homes agency, and forgot to mention to the first agency shes taken a few bookings. With a little luck we can hope to rent the home of our dreams in September now. Ha ha, I don't think so. That's one who can't have her cake and eat it.
Tara was as disappointed as we were. While going round the houses, she had kept asking, " Is this my new house?", and when we were turned down, she bemoaned her bad luck with us, "Ich will aber mein schönes Haus... JETZT!" So did we. Looks like we have to stick with extra slices of cake to sweeten our weekends for a while yet. And we'll have to have two the next time round.
China girl
9 years ago