Saturday, August 25, 2007

Alles Banane

Beginnen wir mit einer weiteren Fallstudie von Ich-Will-Diese-Kamera -SOFORT:

Es gibt, wie man sieht, einen gewissen Grad an Variation in den verschiedenen Gib-mir-diese-Kamera-sofort Posen. Dennoch ist es ein Kunststück, zur Zeit einen anständigen Schnappschuss zu landen. Gelungen ist uns das zuletzt bei Einkaufen, als Tara (sicher an Gefahrenquellen wie dem Magazinstand und den bunten Süßigkeiten vorbei manövriert) eins der ultimativen Objekte ihrer vollen Begeisterung erspähte: Bananen!*

Zur Feier der Tatsache, dass der Krümel so gesundheitsbewusst ist und so tolle Leib- und Magenspeisen wie Bananen und ach! Tomaten hat, hier das Rezept eines weiteren Family Favourite für gesunde Kinder:

Vegetable & Chickpea Lasagne
(Courtesy of Somerfield Mag March 2007)
Serves 4 and is ready in 40 minutes, or so they say

1. Chop up loads of veg like 1 onion, 3 carrots, 1 red pepper, 1 courgette, 150g mushrooms, and maybe some butternut squash (for a yummy extra), or loads more.
2. Fry the lot in not-too-much good oil and cook gently until softened. Add a whole bunch of chopped ripe tasty tomato, or a 400g tin if you feel lazy, and a tin of chickpeas (don't add the tin though, it's not tasty). Cook on but don't overdo it. Mix in some chopped herbs.
3. On to the white sauce, and here's the clever bit: You need 1 egg and 200ml of creme fraiche. You beat the egg and stir it into the creme fraiche. And that's the white sauce done!
4. Layer veg - pasta - veg - pasta - white sauce, and sprinke with as much grated cheese as you wish.
5. Cook for 30-40 minutes at 200 degrees. Yum Yum!
6. Have banana cake for pudding ;-)

(There you go, Hannah. A career woman too needs healthy food. And banana cake for brain power too!)

And when you've then fed your baby tasty healthy food stuffs, they have plenty energy to burn and get caught (on camera!) unawares as they toddle about their business!

* Eine halbe Banane später tobte Tara dann durch die Klopapierregale, wo sie auf doppelter Körperhöhe auf den Andrex (Hakle) Papieren einen Hund erspäht hatte, noch ein Objekt großer Leinenschaft.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

An End to Blogging?

Well, stories we do have to tell still... about Tara's discovery of stairs, for example, of how she keeps slipping under the bed either feet or head first (the latter preferably in her sleep), or about the joys of slippery floors and non-sticky chairs that can be used as walkers at home or in coffee houses (Hello, people at the next table... and the one behind that... and the one behind that...). So. Stories, yes. But photos or videos?
We have run into two problems.
One, I've run out of storage space on my computer. Dear me. Too many pictures and videos. Of Baby Tara, what else. But an external hard drive will sort that one out for a couple of (dozens of) Pounds (or Euros).
Number two. Tara. Tara has discovered the joys of cameras and the jolly little pictures and videos of Baby Tara you can see on them.
Now that is serious.
It means that the pictures we tend to get at the moment are multiples of this:

Camera? Great! Now let me have a look...

And in motion, it looks somethings like this:
Tara wants that camera (and sod eating!)

Then, there are two options. You either share that camera with her and watch videos and look at pictures on the display. In that case you do not get any new shots.
Or you refuse. That presents you with the following development:

Veeery funny. But also very loud. And not what you want to see every day.

A phase, surely? Not going to get in the way of blogging forever?

So. There you go, Nirite, this is one of the reasons why Dr. Daddy has been handing in his PhD for the last three weeks.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Dr. Daddy Hands His PhD In

Four years in the making, but at long last it has happened: Jose hands his thesis in. His girls are hoping for recognition and a dedication, for after all we have had quite a bit of input as well, haven't we?

Congratulations to Dr. Daddy for this milestone. Nearly there now...