Who is 1 today? Tara, Tara!

For her birthday, Tara gets a great sunny weather, a trip to the beach and the hottest possible weather. By now, she has learned to love the sea, and only infrequently tries to sample a fistful of sand, and we break our holiday record for playing in the water. So of course we're way to late getting home for her party, for of course a party she gets as well, and a big FAT five kilo cream cake with, appropriately,
Snow White on it
(see picture below and compare Tara's skin colour to the rest of her resident family).
(many thanks to Tito Antonio, one of the local Corvi bakers, who sponsored this marvel the size of mummy's torso & roughly the weight of Tara twice over a year ago!)Now where there's a party, there are guests, and presents, and Tara had a multitude of both - some of her Nana's friends and the closest of her family which included, hurrah,
children, and amounted to a very noisy crowd and not-at-all-educational amounts of presents.
(not pictured - the larger part of the sofa that we only managed to squeeze on to by shoving some of the presents aside)
Tara was (well past bed-time!) on a hysterical people high, presents high, plasticky toys high, and cousin Carlitos high, and would have definately gotten herself onto a cream cake high as well, if only mummy had let her.

Well then, baby - party party, and I'll just forget about that fully-fledged bed-time tantrum because I absolutely understand that you just wanted to go on playing with all your people and presents, even though it was 11.30 by the time I decided you'd had more than enough party - and cream cake!
(And here is
a video (click click!) of Tara and her cake)

Thanks to everybody who remembered her birthday, before and after the event, and have so kindly showered her with (not-at-all-eductional ;-) amounts of lovely presents, cards, and
loving attention. I would have liked to bring some cream cake back for all but you know cream cake and airplanes don't go together well...
Muchissimas gracias para todos los que se han acordado de Tara en su cumpleanos, y nos han regalado ese dia tan especial, con tanta tarta, tantos amigos, tantissimos regalos, y tanto carino!